Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sponsors: Quickened Stocks And Dividends

Minimize difference, or maximize success; if marketers only knew you did not want those numbers read more than once each day. We have known the algorithm to it when they are read more then once each day. Every one-percent of success is ninety-nine percent of the difference.

DVR: Always-On, It's The Headless Appliance

It skips commercials because it knows when it already recorded them. When you see commercials repeated, especially more than once each commercial break; then, you wondered would what it take to smarten that video recorder, so its skips them. If the same segment of the audio-video signal matches anything already recorded; then, you know it could trigger some action. Even if you watch while it records, it could trigger the mute for already seen commercial segments.

Biggest Looser: Jenny Craig, Craigslist, or Go-Phones

Pay to loose, sounds like casinos. Somebody found the way to win. You bring something home.

“Weight loss!” Some guys yelled out at you. You are not transgender or Miss Universe. You wonder about their motive. Out of all the things that surrounded us for stuff to talk about, they focused on you. They were not even phased by the meteorite.

“You have any dollars in change?” Have you tried food-stamps? The answer varies, never-mind the reason. Undercover security probes the crowd and finds some reason to stare, too much. I found something in the mall at 99 cents. Every time part of congress wants that program trimmed, I think about how often we heard that question.

Man: Oil In The Crystal

Amber, “a miracle beer,”  bees wax, the bees sure do like one type of air, as they worked hard on hive minds in busy places. How amazed they were by the action, not far from here. The plant has an exodus for every fashionable entrance. One is pollination. The other is perfection.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

NetFlix: Apple's Interest In iMailBox On Residences

Nine gigabytes is the lowest quality on modern digital-video-disks; Big Carrier limited your rates to only four gigabytes every month through one-to-many hubs. That means if you watch movies over Big Carrier's network, your limited to less than half the content on modern DVDs. You can stop the movie, think of it as the preview version, and order the rest of the DVD. Consider trilogies, and consider the option to preview less than one-third of the entire set and have the other two sent to your iMailBox. Consider, also, daily subscriptions like your newpapers now on write-enabled DVDs, deliverable to your residences mailbox. Two steps, forward, one step back: consider the mailman's vehicle with one new upgrade that transmits that nine gigabytes to your iMailBox, daily, with NFC-technology.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Social Security Numbers: The Tides Of Matrix Pools

Your parents gave thee your name; your government also gave thou your name, in numbers only. If everybody was perfect, we would refer to your first name, your “second” name instead of your “middle” name, and your “third” name instead of your “last” name. Citizens of U.S. America had six names, and some had less, and others had more. That has not been so obvious when you hyphenate your numeric names. I think anonymity is normal in general commerce, and I haven't found any reason too make those names any more private. When you logged-on to several hundreds different websites, and you didn't use any form of your real name, I bet you, now, that you wish you did. They all let you fall into that web of deceit. Luckily, your six names still act like your public key.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

3D Distance Formula As C# Lambda Expression

Bad programmers add math to primitive objects. They do that because they think that is the best optimization technique. They also do that for minimal cost: the best bang for the buck. It makes them look good. That methods works until you need pure primitive objects again. If those objects are not primitive enough, they are limited in their usage, especially stand-alone, and that effects that portability of the entire program. With that in mind, let's jump right into code, and look at how I accessed the Vector() and Scalar() functions of the Point3D primitive class.

Here is the 3D distance function:

    Func    distance =
        (u,v) => u.Vector( v, (a,b) => a - b ).Scalar( (x,y,z) => Math.Sqrt( x*x + y*y + z*z ) ) ;

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Electric Grid: The Balance Of Power

The “morning news” on TV costs over 100-watts per hour. My smart meter read .220Wh after an hour and one-half, and I only had the TV-set on. No lights, no fridge, no PC, no heat or a/c, nothing extra turned on but two LED clocks. I recently trimmed my utilities, and the on/off-timer on the fridge helped greatly. I looked for the next big thing, and it was not the PC. It was the TV news!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Climate Change and Evolution: The Dark iCloud

In Obama vs. Romney, people have said one fully lacks any metaversal sense. People complained about the number of times anyone has mentioned God. In the virtual world sense, we deal with every “meta-” sense, so we can not ignore such issues; they get mentioned. In the late 1900s, the Mormon church finally realized they cannot ignore “black people,” yet that attitude still continued with the Mormon fundamentalists, today. Even the non-fundamentalist continued their ignorance towards the basic idea of the Theory of Evolution. We cannot ignore the roots of (climate) change and evolution, inside and outside the churches, and we certainly cannot ignore them from the metaversal perspective.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

3D: Titanic, The Game, The Reinvented Movie Theater

The entire audience interacts with the silver screen, so bring your iPad™, game controllers, and other wi-fi devices to the theater. Today's market aims at simpler vote applets while tomorrow's market aims at deeper immersion and an innovative experience. The just-sit-back-and-watch style of movie is now something of the past.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Drive Systems: While You Have The Wheel

Chances of “distracted driving” either have grown or the news reporters shown more attention to such percentages of human error. The reporters said the drivers that used cellphones while they drove resulted in higher risks; if so, maybe the engineers of the cars and cellphones are at blame since neither denies the known risk. Somehow the cost of the cellphone and the cost of the commute both were present before any blame started, and medical intervention followed as shown in the reports. Somehow that distraction and intervention is not an energy issue, so the cost relates to the drive systems.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Women: Two-Thirds Health Care, Now-Sunday

If women let themselves solve the health care issues at home on Sunday, and if computers let themselves turn off, or no user interaction on Sunday, then women could have their Husbands home that day; it's logical. If, so “stupid” said, too much then maybe we should choose the had-been-the-logic-dollar or, now, the logic doll, androids. They (still) worshiped hyms.