Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tablets: Surface RT ARM+Fusion, Security And Speed

Microsoft's killer-comeback, it caters to AMD despite that it put Intel first. Note that reviewers put the ARM version of Surface RT front and center in their comparison charts, even if they tried to hide that fact. Some reason, they do not want the audience of other tablet users to look under the hood.

What's that? It's the "no-brainer" of security components. It is obvious you want one of the competitors tablets because they are sexy. The pastel colors offer no more love in the wild world of fashion and devices, that you hold onto that make its statement. At least the plaid shirt is out, or at least you know the plaid shirt with the collar is the one that got you the job out of school. That is what we see here, something that quietly passes security by obscurity without notice.

Why would AMD want ARM? Of course that didn't make sense until the news of how the newer AMD Fusion chips are said to work with ARM. I get it, so you take out the main CPU, replace it with ARM, then you take out the GPU, and replace it with Fusion. Of course, Fusion can do everything that the CPU can do, so they switched the entire conversation!

No worries about the speed of ARM when you got nitro hooked into your hybrid under the hood.

I skipped some point(s) for now, but consider the viral school environment. You know, what to-go from your finger painter glamorous tablet unto full on business tools. You know, now, what is needed. Back then, you didn't. They said there is no business apps that run on ARM... thank again, with this upgrade option!

[Note: This is the follow-up to how "People Are Shocked".]