Moore's Law held back mandatory encryption while the industry complied. Our patent system, meanwhile, rendered one unique docket number for each complete encryption invention. Supercomputers artificially generated encryption methods until it found those that are functionally complete. When the industry did not comply, the industry marketed previously patented cryptography as the current technologic state of the art.
University students studied computational theory as that art. Students that invented their own cryptography that is paradoxically detached from the artificially generated patents have been of interest. Investors perceived such students as smarter than the world's top supercomputers. Our Government routinely invested in students. Corporations hired interns as investments. Mission specific organizations offered scholarships under investor terms. Students that successfully funded, researched, and developed an invention most likely found an undeniable employment offer through their investor.
If the investor represented foreign interests, like immigration, they plausibly offered, upon graduation, long-term wealthy employment back in the student's place of origin in exchange for rights to the local patent on the student's invention. While the investor holds the local patent, the new employee freely implements their invention for their employer under foreign governance. As when Moore's Law failed, cryptography patents became significantly mandatory, especially on inadequate mobiles. Our Government issued passports with unencrypted data, and where mobiles and passports are the same homeland made, hardware device, consider the passport suspends itself upon signature of foreign interest.
University students studied computational theory as that art. Students that invented their own cryptography that is paradoxically detached from the artificially generated patents have been of interest. Investors perceived such students as smarter than the world's top supercomputers. Our Government routinely invested in students. Corporations hired interns as investments. Mission specific organizations offered scholarships under investor terms. Students that successfully funded, researched, and developed an invention most likely found an undeniable employment offer through their investor.
If the investor represented foreign interests, like immigration, they plausibly offered, upon graduation, long-term wealthy employment back in the student's place of origin in exchange for rights to the local patent on the student's invention. While the investor holds the local patent, the new employee freely implements their invention for their employer under foreign governance. As when Moore's Law failed, cryptography patents became significantly mandatory, especially on inadequate mobiles. Our Government issued passports with unencrypted data, and where mobiles and passports are the same homeland made, hardware device, consider the passport suspends itself upon signature of foreign interest.