Friday, March 16, 2012

Trademarks: The Other End Of The DTV Rainbow

News Reporters with Internet Protocol Numbers, yes, some how your local news station likes the communication between the reporters and independent radio shacks, that still exist. Digital TV (DTV) now offers the “white-spaces” option, which is the consolidated air-wave allocation over white-noise. The base radio only broadcasts the “white-noise,” and the allowed news reporters fill in the “allocated space.” The white-noise is equivalent to the random noise generator over natural, present noise; the result is the static screen seen typical on older analog television-sets after station sign-off. The transceiver of such consolidated communication devices seems complex, yet the network over the top level domain names dot-C-C and dot-W-S was hushed for awhile under initial intern(al)-debate.

We now know DTV from it's earlier phase as set-top boxes. After 30 years, its no longer the laughing stocks. Now, recognized trademarks and brand names have entered upon this work-in-progress.

“What's the one thing you want the new iPad for?”
– KXTV asked buyer

The discussion is last-mile and “up to the minute” in news and your regularly “scheduled programming,” which is one of those catch-all phrases, like “shared parenting” or other -ed-ing word-suffix combinations. No one excepts such phrases as law, yet such phrases still act as titles of law sections; because titles are not part of the law text. It's content versus context. Let's say when we apply that known rule, the logic of it, onto last-mile commerce, then we could expand trademarked names into its universal resource name (URL) for network traversal. While we could do that, people have relied upon the global domain name system (DNS) and search engine queries for such expansion, and that has not been said “up to the minute” in valid domains and valid domain-names.

Let's step through one possible logical expansion of the trademarks with-out name queries. Let's say two iPad™s are within line-of-sight of each other, so the “fiber optic” connection between the two happens via the camera or infrared-sensors. First, realize that the fiber-optic connection does not need some kind of conduit, like category-5 RF-cable, for the complete connection, so the fiber-optic cable is optional. That's the network. Next, that iPad™ knows it is an iPad™, so it turns that unicoded-T-M character into dot-N-E-T, like “” That's the trademarked network name familiar to DNS. Next, we either prepend or append the dot-C-C or dot-W-S onto that URL, as the sub-domain or top-level domain, like “” or “” That's the ad-hoc network (or State network) derived from the recognized trademarks. Finally, that means the iPad™ can automate those steps such that the results are one or more URLs.

Under anti-cybersquat laws, businesses can't override proper names, and people can't override trademarked names. That also gives more possible URLs. For example, the iPad™ already knows its geolocation, so it could translates that into its domain name, like “”

Each URL, with it's significant domain-name on the right (in left-to-right text direction), represents the possible connection paths. For example, the iPhone™ defaults to connections over the 3G-network or 4G-network because it does not yet expand trademarks likes above for its built-in network devices; however, with the iPad™ it knows you use it for notes while in the classroom, so it uses any of the iPad™ network devices besides the 3G/4G-network for the last-mile, line-of-sight within the classroom, so it uses one of the above classroom's accepted, trademarked, expanded network names. Let's say your user name is “logan” and you want to turn-in your homework, so you use your address: “” and e-mail your homework to “” Since the network is line-of-sight, every “teacher” address, like that, acts as an alias to the current classroom. It sounds smart... and intelligent... yet it is still another WIP.

So you don't like dot-C-C or dot-W-S because these are not intuitive, or the above still has you confused, especially how it applies to internships, WIPs, and “white-spaces.” Die-hards probably still want registered names. If you want that paid, for global usage, with your pocket change, sure you can do that. What we need is trusted ad-hoc combinations, like trademarks. The key value here is that last-mile networks work well when they empower themselves, especially when your payment still does not notify the world of such changes in up-to-the-minute fashion. With that reason, there is obvious more desirable variances on the above network name expansions.

One thing the DTV component may do is scan “white-spaces” for active network allocations; it may do that on the daily basis or as you desire. Local news station may do such when they need updates on interns that have wireless cameras that network by the domain name “” Maybe one of those local news station negotiates that intern's more global presence with the network name “” I think the die-hards can figure out how to convert IPv4/IPv6 numbers to the “RF dot notation,” and... connect the dots. Much like the scan reveals available channels, it also can reveal already present networks.

We want security on “white-spaces” with trademarks much like “they” recommended access-points. Top level domain-name holders certified themselves with encoded or encrypted signatures. If the intern puts their picture into the “white-space” allocations, then the DTVs, local news stations, or radio shacks could perform facial recognition on the images sent. Let's say one station demands it recognizes the Seal of California put into the image before they allow further broadcast of the media. The change in white-noise could allow or deny signals. There are more appropriate ways that is done or could be done, yet how that compares to signed-certificates is what we have as the proven method. The depth of detail of the seal denotes the quality of its security much like the signature length after encryption relates its archive-able quantity.

Let smart devices perform reverse facial recognition for that extra security. If the station broadcasts such-and-such news daily and certain faces are known by that daily basis, then your iPad™ may sense that and warn you when it doesn't recognize those faces over the station you expect. That is backwards, or reverse, then to let the iPad™ recognize your face in order for you to watch the station. Reverse facial recognition is one way we can use proven methods without further encryption. The real cost is found by the comparison of how much energy does encryption and decryption uses, for security, to how much energy does facial recognition use, for security. Think about the iBunny™, for a moment, and let's move-on.

What trademarks interest you? Of those, are they easy as where your iPad™ shows you the known seals of each trademarked item nearby, and you can easily sort them into trust zones, trusted brands, and trusted items? How about your next walk down the local mall, do you see all the nearby trademarks and sort them out on screen? Do consider RFIDs, you know, those tags wanted on all inventory. Maybe you don't want to keep your iPad™ out every where you go so that it's camera scans every square barcode, especially if your hands are already full. By this, we could redefine “The Collector's Edition.”

Maybe you only want to use the mall's iPad™ while your there such that you walk in the Apple store, check it out, go shop through the mall, check-in the iPad™, and then whatever next. Why should the mall worry about the iPad™ being stolen when it has built-in GPS. Yes, it's not that easy, yet you get where the idea goes from that. Yes, the idea; because I'm more interested in fashion of the iStylus, and how I can easily use that on any iPad™ such that I can “keep the pen” for the next “up to the minute” fashion-news, and other consolidated communication devices. Maybe shoes dot-C-C and jewelry dot-W-S both mean something like my iStylus.

Or, maybe the news reporter can further demonstrate that very large touchscreen with one more news reporter such that it recognizes who's touch is who's, concurrently, coherently. Imagine that WIP expands such that it shows live polls with viewers that have the iPad™. “Until next time, that's the news...” from your DTV component of your iPad™.