Friday, April 19, 2013

Bad Journalism: SEO Tricks And Tabloid Hysteria

In recent disasters, we can almost predict that if you do not have any valid press pass, that your future journalistic articles will rank lower than all science articles. That gets quite low. It will not matter what SEO tricks you use.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Blood Quantum: Testing Is Unlawful Without Warrant

Supreme Court upheld the Fourth Amendment, today. Quantizations are arrays of percentages. Those values are the result of quantitative analysis on specific samples. Computers often process samples of colors, light, sound, energy, numbers, or sound, but in this case it was in samples of blood. Now, such blood tests are against the law without warrant, and that sets precedent for all searches and seizures for blood quantum.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Prostitution: The Last Vial Of The Day

Where do Judges come from? Because of their existence, we have considered extreme measures in regards to science versus theology. When citizens speak up for their zealous positions, verily, and demand equal rights, it starts to feel like hell. That means, we are down to the question if gravity had any role. We can imagine the test tube where droplets of liquid fill it up to conception. Do you realize how that prostitutes the moral issue of these matters? Today, I doubt any university will acknowledge any thesis that tries these subjects together for their money.