It looks like I can recover my last hard drive, and I have been fairly calm over damage done. Forgive me, but I have already stated elsewhere all the details of such cyberattack. All these parts that plug into the motherboard are still good. I can either get something similar, plug them all into the new board, or we can say to hell with these noisy gamer boards and find the perfect quiet home server for the tablet PC and workstation monitor(s).
I wrote about the numbers, yesterday. I further dived into all these online catalogs of motherboards, and I even noticed local stores that said they will price match their online competitors. If your local stores only offer the latest gamer board then, you know they are still in the game. I found one that seemed different:'s list of motherboard. I noticed the cost of my years old now damaged board now costs more brand new; while the rest of these bulk featured gamer boards are under $35. Look at Google's search index for Raspberry Pi. Do these really compare, anymore? OK, how!"As a matter of pure fact, most financial reports put these tablets in a special category of their own when displaying sales numbers.""Intel, however, believes that the form-factors of personal computers are blurring."-- Windows 8 Update
[Note: there are thermal upgrades in the latest edition of my board, so the same brand new one is quite "revealing" cost wise.]
I did not even get to max out my last motherboard with all its features. Some extra features helped us evolve peripherals, but when they are all built-in to the motherboard that evolution means another new board. Are all the bulk features of the latest evolution really needed for the home server? With these tablet PCs, no.
With all the work +The Linux Foundation and +Linus Torvalds has done with +Linux kernel software, you can see how this has evolved the New York Stock Exchange to its more international presence.. One big difference in UNIX software and Microsoft Windows is that unix is known to catch zombies and achieve energy-efficiency, over the years. That is pretty critical for job security. It is an ideal home server that only needs an upgrade as often as your fridge, but some zombies have been quite pesky for food beyond our "sustained" budgets. In our real word, there is no demand for zombies.