Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Taxes: They Battled Over P2P Networks

“Big Carrier” charged outrageous monthly fees for access to established networks. They practically earned money from “free energy” with their only expense is maintenance. Developers that have contributed to such networks now have in turn also been charged access to the networks they built, engineered, innovated, installed, and designed. Big Carrier now looks like the next business bubble, like Big Oil, which has drilled for its near “free energy” basis. How did they do it? They mislead people when they stated their Internet access is more secure, yet they didn't say they only made it more secure for Big Carrier topologies such that they don't let you connect directly to your neighbors, friends, other nearby computers, or peers (P2P).

The more Big Carrier hypes P2P as insecure, illegal, or as any conflict of interest, the more money they make. What P2P does is let one computer connect to another computer where they are seen as peers to each other. We started the Internet with peer-to-peer networks, yet Big Carrier(s) hooked everybody up to their commercial topology away from the original Internet topology. People signed contracts with Big Carrier that pretty much stated the customer couldn't use most of the Internet technology that kept people connected (by peers). Big Carrier disabled the peer networks unless you bought their hardware. Under their terms, if you create your file on your computer, pass your network cable to your neighbor, sent that file over that cable to your neighbor, then they said you violated their terms of service. If we replace that cable with your wifi router and your neighbors, then they said you router is insecure (to their business), so they made people paranoid. Most people bought their own service for single access (out of that paranoia), and Big Carrier was happy with that bank-roll.

I remember when we didn't have single access, and we could directly connect to anybody's computer that had the capability. We can still do that today, yet the terminology, like “modem software,” seems pretty unintelligible in the society that uses 4G networks. Some people offered their equipment as hubs that allowed multiple modem connections. Today, in the world of web-browser, that would be like where others connect to your web-browser instead of the original web-server, if you already have that web-page.

Let's say you don't have Internet access on your iPad, and your friend nearby has, on his iPad, the web-page that you want. That means your iPad can retrieve the web-page from your friend's iPad, and you don't need to pay for that 4G-Internet access that retrieves the web-page from the original web-server. That's basically how the entire Internet worked before Big Carrier changed the topology.

You know that means Big Carrier eventually won't get your revenue like it did with single access, as they no longer can guarantee that you need their network for access to content. Now you know how Net-Neutrality was suppose to help you like that, yet there were many factors that confused the issues, like guaranteed 911 services and its taxes. That's when people learned about jailbroken cellphones, which gave them more than single access.

As I listened to the snippets of debate over the health care issues, especially the bit about taxes and penalties, I thought that was something people severely overlooked. Some said you must have healthcare, and others complained about that much. What if someone says you must have your cellphone, and if you don't then it comes out of your taxes such that your taxes pay for your cellphone. Is there any less liberty? Right now, many employers require you have some phone number, or they won't employ you. Think about that, in the future, how many may require that you have healthcare before they employ you? Or, how many may call the next interviewee that already has healthcare?

I don't think they'll do that for Big Oil, as we know Big Oil already is at ends with its run-down on “free energy” swept under the carpet with high gas-prices. There are, however, many jobs that require that you have your own transportation or specific class on your driver's license. We might see “organic fuel,” instead, like biomass refineries. Big Oil got their “free energy” from what was already stored in fossil fuels.

This discussion above could get quite more lengthy, especially about how we share and store content. I abbreviated it some in comparison with an potential employee that brings their own healthcare, equipment, knowledge, tools (software), and... content (i.e. artwork). More valued? Smarter? The employee is more ready and secure.

One question I ask when I entered Apple's store is, “how much memory does the iStylus have?” You know, when I put “my” iStylus over any iPad or laptop, I want it to recognize me right there. I want one gesture that downloads files to my iStylus and another gesture that uploads files from my iStylus. That's like the USB storage solid-state device, yet the iPad doesn't have USB. When I put down one iPad and walk move to another iPad, the previous iPad should have me completely logged-out, and the next one should have me completely logged-in, as if it was the same iPad I just had in my hand. The files are stored on the iStylus, by my gestures, not on the iPad. That's another kind of P2P, more ubiquitous, yet think again what-if that web-page is still on the previous iPad. Yep, with some P2P-effort, that web-page is now on the next iPad. When I'm done, I keep “my” iStylus and return the iPad.

I remember when taxes paid for your school books as long as you returned them.